
Brad & Tina Londre are both USCCA Instructors. We have been Married for 15 Years and have 3 beautiful daughters. We have been doing these classes together since about 2016. We actually only planned on only doing 2-3 classes for a few local groups. Then once we started teaching them, we found that there was a need for real life training such as this. Our goal has always been to give people the most real life practical class around.
Brad Londre
I have worked for the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections since 2003. I have been a Firearms Instructor with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections since 2010, I am also a certified Taser, Incapacitating Agents and Specialty Munitions Trainer. I also hold a position on the Use of Force Committee for the State of Wisconsin and train Use of Force dynamics and fundamentals around the State. I am a Certified Instructor and Training Counselor for the USCCA. I also hold various NRA certifications.
Tina Londre (She is the Brains of the Show)
I have been with the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections since 1999. I get most of my experience through the department. I have held a wide variety of positions from Security to Probabtion & Porale. I served with the Department as a Crisis Negotiator for many years. I have been teaching and studying the Use of Force dynamics, fundamentals and laws for many years and work hard to get people to understand the real world thoughts and principles that make up the State Statues and laws.